Play Safe Basketball – Injury Prevention and Safe Conditioning to Stay on the Court and Out of the Clinic
Basketball is a year-round sport that offers many advantages. Some of which include: physical fitness, balance, agility, strategy and social skills. The intense fast-paced action of a typical basketball game simultaneously develops speed, hand-eye coordination and cardiovascular endurance. Moving quickly across the court develops lower-body fitness while shooting, defending and passing develop upper-body fitness.
On January 15th, 2020, Paul Sethi, M.D., presented an Injury Prevention/Safe Conditioning talk to the Greenwich Boys & Girls Club Basketball League to help them stay on the court and out of the clinic! Dr. Sethi covered the most common basketball injuries and talked about treatment techniques. Additionally Alicia Hirscht, DPT, discussed how to condition for basketball and important safety tips. Later, the athletes broke into two groups where Alicia and Caroline Gargiulo, AT, conducted interactive safe conditioning demonstrations and exercise programs.
Handouts of the exercise programs and resistance bands were distributed to the attendees.