2023 Annual Golf Outing
ONSF Golf Outing 2023!
On Monday, June 5th ONSF, in conjunction with Greenwich Hospital, celebrated its 15th Anniversary at the 14th Annual Golf Outing, at The Stanwich Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. Over 116 Golfers gathered for practice, lunch and an 18 hole Shot Gun Tournament. Dinner was served on the Terrace where golfers were joined by non-golfing friends and supporters. The Virtual Auction appeared online for a week and on site throughout the day. All expectations were successfully met. Main Media Sponsor, Serendipity, through repeated coverage of this event, increased participation.

Golfers Checking in at Pro Shop

Warming up on Stanwich Practice Putting Green

Dr. Paul Sethi, ONSF President and Dr. M. Sung Lee

Brad Gilden, DPT, Gary Solomon, MD and Steve Kurczewski

Jeff Mendell, Golf Captain Chair and Dr. Michael Clain, Golf Outing Co-chair

Hsiao-lien Boardman, Deborah Nedjadi, Angela Tammaro, ONSF Board Member, and Sharon Peterson

Lunch on the Stanwich Terrace

Phil Villhauer, Jr., Tom Conheeney, Philipp Villhauer, Honoree

Lauren Mazzullo, Katie Vadasdi, MD, ONSF Board Member and Amy Sethi, Auction Chair

ONSF Golf Outing Auction

David and Lauren Mazzullo and Dinner Guests

Cocktails and Dinner Reception on the Stanwich Terrace

Vicki Tananbaum, VP; Phil Villhauer, Honoree and Paul Sethi, MD

Dr. Paul Sethi Addressing Guests

Honoree Phil Villhauer and Dr. Paul Sethi

Dr. Sethi Presenting Gift to Honoree Phil Villhauer

Dr. Mark and Lindy Camel (center) and Family

Cocktail and Dinner Reception Guests

Brenda Tananbaum and Tamar Kessel, MD

Drs. Sung Lee and Amory Fiore, ONSF Board Member

Tournament Winners
Proceeds from this outstanding golf experience benefit ONSF renowned clinical research and education programs all of which substantially improve patient treatment and care while enhancing healthy, active living.
In 2008, Dr. Paul Sethi, orthopedic surgeon, and Vicki Leeds Tananbaum founded ONSF to improve the standards of excellence for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders through clinical research, physician and patient education, and community outreach. Over 15 years, ONSF has succeeded in every aspect of its mission.