
Mini-med School

Education is a major part of the ONSF Mission and the Annual Mini Med School exemplifies this commitment by providing 15 high school students the opportunity to participate in a one week workshop in orthopedics. The students attend Greenwich High School, Brunswick School, Greenwich Academy and Stamford High School and exhibit an interest in careers in medicine or are enrolled in a STEM program.

The ONSF Arthroscopy, Surgical Skills and Biomechanical Research Lab provides an ideal mentor/student event capable of changing a young person’s life. Participants are not only introduced to the field of medicine and orthopedic surgery but also offered the ultimate “hands-on” experience. Doctors discuss orthopedic problems, physical examination and diagnosis.

Broken wrist? No problem for students who spend two sessions in a casting workshop.

From putting on surgical scrubs to learning surgical procedures, students are introduced to the operating room environment. In addition, they learn the fine points of fluoroscopy and actually perform knee and shoulder arthroscopy on “Alex” models.

Orthopedic surgeons make it possible for the students to look inside the distal radius models, observe the injury and tissues and make the necessary repairs. Student Matthew Wysocki said, “I especially liked the Lab where we completed an arthroscopic shoulder surgery…”

The week includes ultra-sound lectures, an introduction to physical therapy and some one on one time with ONSF research interns. Antony Manokhin considered his time at ONSF “…an outstanding opportunity …an experience I will certainly never forget.”

The level of curiosity, interest and scientific knowledge of these students never fails to impress the physicians.

ONSF Mini-Med School Selection Process

Students who attend the ONSF Mini-Med School are sophomores and juniors selected via nomination by the Science Department Heads of area high schools. Each school submits the names of four students who have exhibited a keen interest in science/medicine along with a brief description of why he or she has been chosen. The ONSF Mini-Med School Chairs review and evaluate the applications and ultimately award this unique opportunity to a final class size of 15 or 16 students.

Sample ONSF Mini-Med School Schedule of Events
16th Annual Golf Outing

ThinkFirst is a non-profit National Injury Prevention Foundation dedicated to preventing brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injuries through the education of individuals, community leaders and the creators of public policy. Read More >